Inspiration for Midsummer - bonfire, flower wreaths and beautiful outfits
Sankthansaften, summer solstice and midsummer are approaching. The most important day of the year if you ask our Creative Director and Founder Camilla Gullits. She loves to celebrate midsummer and the light.
For Camilla and her husband Nikolaj, the evening is filled with cozy traditions, smiles, and love in the company of their family, friends and more and more of their children's friends and now also grandchildren. This means that there are many generations gathered this evening, and it gives a very special atmosphere of presence and life.
Beautiful wreaths are tied, and dinner is served at the long table by the lake. The strawberries are red and served on straws and the honey is freshly slung. The bonfire is lit, and classic songs are sung in the bright summernight.
Below you will find inspiration on what to wear for the summer parties in the Danish and often unpredictable summer weather. Whether it's stilettos, flip flops or sneakers that fit the occasion is up to you. Our styles can be styled both up and down and used for both every day and party.
Pssst! Don't forget to bring a warm, cozy knit for when the sun goes down.
Have a wonderful Sankthans / Midsummer <3
For Camilla, Midsummer is a day of celebration, and as host she begins the preparations well in advance. True to tradition, family and good friends gather in the early afternoon to tie beautiful flower wreaths out of seasonal flowers. Delicate peonies, fragrant roses mixed with fine ditch delights from the fields.
Crackling bonfire by the lake, song, music, love, and togetherness while the sun goes down.
Did you know that...?
Sankthansaften on 23 June symbolizes the celebration of the summer solstice, which falls on 21 June. The bright and mild June days, where the days are longest, and the nights are bright and short. Celebrating the coming of summer on the longest day of the year, when the sun is highest above the horizon, is an old Nordic tradition. But the very name Sankt Hans comes from Johannes the Baptist, who in the Christian faith has a birthday on June 24 - half a year before Jesus' birthday.
Jesus' birth and December 25, on the other hand, symbolize the winter solstice, which originally falls on December 21. Jesus and Johannes, the Baptist's birthdays are therefore placed on each of their outer solstice points - when Johannes the Baptist's birthday, the days become shorter, whereas when Jesus's birthday, the days become longer again.
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