Take care of the environment while doing the laundry

In the beginning of 2019 we launched a small collection of CARE products which have been very positively received by our customers.

The SOAP NUTS are an environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional laundry products. SOAP NUTS are basically the dried out shells from the soapberry. The soapberry grows on the tree named: SAPINDUS MUKOROSSI. 
SOAP NUTS release saponin (soap) when put in warm water, and Saponin is a 100% organic alternative to synthetic laundry detergents and cleansers.

CARE BY ME SOAP NUTS are collected from MOUNTAINS AROUND KATHMANDU and are carefully hand sorted.

The DRYER BALLS reduce tumble dryer time which means less electricity consumption. CARE BY ME DRYER BALLS are made in pure wool. They are, of course, made under proper conditions in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Studies show that you can save up to 30% on your energy consumption by using dryer balls when drying your clothes.

We believe the CARE products enable our customers to live a more sustainable life by using natural products instead of chemicals, saving electricity and extending the longevity of existing garments. 

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